Sunday, March 13, 2016

February 6 - 7, 2016 - Justin's Baby Blessed at the Upemba Ward

February 6 - I am spending all my spare time working on the Shutterfly books. All ten need to be finished before February 15. Unfortunately, I didn't take time to write what really was going on each day for the blog.

February 7 - Church at the Upemba Ward. This is Justin's ward. He and his wife Christine are blessing their new baby today. All of us at the mission office went for the blessing. The new baby's name is a compilation of the first letters of the other children's name with an "s" on the end.  Joeres - Jethro, Obed, Enock, Ruth, Esther. While at the hospital recovering, this is the name Christine came up with.

Christine and Joeres


Christine and Joeres

We went to Sunday School. The sister that must have been president of the Sunday School class asked that I give the closing prayer.  So I did. It was in English. Not many would have been able to understand what I said. Hopefully, they could feel my sincerity.
The sister who asked me to pray.
 A couple of families who were willing to pose for pictures after church.

We are amazed at how these babies can sleep as they travel on the back of their mother.

Flowers at the Church

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