Friday, January 20, 2017

September 5 - 11, 2016 - Shocking News

September 5 - Ron planted grass early this morning.We got a phone call from Dennis about 8:30 a.m. and headed straight back to Roy.  Dennis and Teresa took Grandma Wood to the ER last night for shortness of breath and fast heart beat.  The intent was to determine if she had pneumonia and so a CAT Scan was done to exam the lungs.  Long story short cancer was found in the left lung, in the liver, and throughout the chest and abdomen.  The left lung has cancerous material the size of a small fist and the liver has material just smaller.  She was offered either to see an oncologist or to start hospice or both.  She decided on hospice care only which actually starts tomorrow.  We just met with the hospice care giver an hour ago and completed all the necessary paperwork.  They are so professional. Mom is at peace and is ready to join my father. 

Mom actually said she thinks the reason I fell and had to come home was to be here when she goes. She said she  is ready right now. I don't remember which day it happened, maybe a couple of weeks ago, she was sitting on the bed and was looking out into the hall. She saw grandpa standing in the hall dressed in his white temple suit, standing straight and tall. She didn't see his face but knew it was him. At first she wondered if it was a dream, but she was awake.

Let's pray it isn't long for her. As time goes on she will have more and more trouble breathing. It is already very apparent that is the case. Drastic difference from when we left Thursday  afternoon. She is very calm and wants to be with grandpa. We don't want her to suffer. Pray for a sweet reunion with grandpa soon.Only time will tell exactly what the Lord has in mind as to when she is called home.

September 8 - Surgery for what Dr. Baucom thinks will be an elbow replacement, rather than a repair, will be tomorrow (Friday) morning. We check in at 9 a.m.  Our plan is to work hard at physical therapy, get the doctor's OK, and return to Lubumbashi as soon as possible.

September 9 - The expected 3 1/2 - 4 hour surgery stretched to about 5 1/2 hours. An extremely long time for Ron, but I just slept right on through. A nerve that runs from the pinkie  finger to the elbow and up the arm was moved out of the way. Also, Dr. Baucom carefully worked around the muscle while inserting the replacement so the muscle didn't need to be cut. That will be a tremendous help in the healing process.

Hole drilled in the bone then the metal piece (dark portion) is cemented in. 

Upside down view of the metal elbow hinge. Both ends are cemented into the bone
I stayed in the TOSH hospital side for two nights. We went

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