July 24 - On the morning walk, we saw another car needing repair.
It is at the same spot where Ronny was repaired.
Ronny is still visiting Ralph
The children will take a plastic bottle like this and turn it into a car, pulling it with a string.
I went with Sister Eastmond to Monique's to get her hair cut while Elder Eastmond accompanied Elder Peterson to the bank. Monique did the landscaping at the gas station by the golf course. These are pictures of the gardens at her house. Each small area was a garden of different plants.
July 26 - Elder Eastmond picking some of the last Belalachunja of the season for Sister Eastmond
The car repair spot is adding another vehicle.
Elder Bill and Sister Shirley Bleak arrived today. They are the medical couple to replace the Peterson's. We went to dinner at the BouganVilla tonight.
Arriving missionaries with their new trainers.
July 27 - We did "steps" near the small hyper psaro. This is Lorin & Nancy Peterson's last morning walk with us. Sunrise over the lake was amazing today.
Broken down car loaded top to bottom |
Farewell Breakfast - Birthday Blueberry Muffins with candles for Sister Irene Eastmond (July 2), Sister Nancy Peterson (today, July 27) and Sister Shirley Bleak (July 22).
Sisters Eastmond, Bleak, Peterson, Elders Peterson, Eastmond, Bleak, Peterson |
Lorin & Nancy Peterson Departure Pictures
President & Sister Shumard, Sister & Elder Peterson |
With the Bleak's and Mamy at the Marche
Elder & Sister Peterson & Mamy |
Arrival Missionaries
July 28 - Vehicle Inspection
Elder Bleak, Sister Shumard, Justin |
Sister Shumard, Elder Bleak, Elder Peterson, Justin |
July 30
Stephane & Belange |
Jacques & Sandra |